Pubg Mobile is Removed from the Play Store : Pubg Ban in India

Today, Google has removed all these apps including Pubg Mobile from Play Store [For India] Now, The Indian Users can't download or update Pubg Mobile.

Now, Pubg Mobile is Removed from the Play Store : Pubg Ban in India

As you know, PUBG Mobile including PUBG Mobile lite, and 116 other apps have been banned by the Government of India on 2 September 2020.

Today, Google has removed all these apps including Pubg Mobile from Play Store [For India]

Now, The Indian Users can't download or update Pubg Mobile and other 117 apps. There is no any other option to play pubg in India. 

If you are thinking to download Pubg Mobile from third party websites, it is not recommended by Hindi Sena. Because there will be privacy & security issues.

Now If you search for Pubg in Google Play Store, you will see another apps like these:

Pubg Mobile Removed from Play store

What do you think on this step taken by the Government of India, are you happy with or not? Send you feedback via comments.

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Hindi Sena.

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