DMCA is an Infotainment based website deals with the information regarding upcoming and released movies, trending videos songs and web series, news, etc. We do not share any kind of copyrighted content on this portal. The below notice will clear all your doubts.

DMCA Notics

Text Content

The text content provided on this portal is only for the educational and promotional purpose of the content. We promote the movies and videos song by writing an article on it, this helps directly to the content owners in marketing and promotions of the content.

Download Links

Again we are confirming that, we do not share any copyrighted movies, web-series, etc. on Any kind of Download Links shared with the articles of this website is null/fake or it does not contains or related to the original media file (movie, web-series, etc.) All the download button contains only sponsored links of our advertisers websites.


The Images shared in the articles of this website is only for the content promotional purpose. we do not claim any rights on the images we shared, we have shared them only for the education and promotional purpose of the film, webseries, video songs.

This is to confirm that - "We do not host or share any kind of pirated/copyrighted movies, web series and videos on We just write article only for the educational and promotional purpose of the filmy/webseries. This will directly help the film makers to promote their content."

Although, If you have any querry regarding anything, or if you don't want to allow us to share your film, webseries information, then before taking any legal action, kindly inform us via this Contact Page. We will delete the article as soon as possible.