Pubg Mobile

'FAU-G' Game Image Copied? - Here is the Proof | Akshay Kumar | nCORE Games

Recently Akshy Kumar has introduced pubg alternative Indian Game named as 'FAU-G'. The Game will be developed by 'nCORE Games' - an I…

Akshay Kumar Announced 'FAU-G' - Indian-Made Game alternative to PUBG Mobile

Recently, Akshay Kumar has announced an Indian Made Battle Royal Game alternative to Pubg Mobile. As we all know, PUBG Mobile has been banned by the …

PUBG Mobile can Easily Comeback in INDIA by this way | Hindi Sena

PUBG Mobile may come back in India by doing some changes. Peoples are willing to know that how could Pubg Mobile Come back after banned in India, we…

Pubg Mobile may come back soon in INDIA | Hindi Sena

As we all know, PUBG Mobile is Officialy banned by the Government of India on 2 September 2020 and Today (4 September), Google has removed PUBG Mobi…

Pubg Mobile is Removed from the Play Store : Pubg Ban in India

As you know, PUBG Mobile including PUBG Mobile lite, and 116 other apps have been banned by the Government of India on 2 September 2020. Today, Goog…

Here is the Press Release of Indian Government to ban PUBG Mobile with 118 Apps.

PUBG Mobile is banned with other 117 Chinese Apps by the Government of India. The IT department have noticed that These apps are exploiting the priv…

Here is the List of 118 apps including Pubg Mobile Banned by Government of India

Pubg Mobile and Pubg Mobile lite including 118 chinese app is now officially banned by the Government of India. The total 118 banned chineses apps i…