America Presidential Election 2020 Updates: who will win?

As you all know, the United States Predential election 2020 will start on 3 November. As per the current updates coming from sources clearly denotes..
America Election 2020 Updates: who will win?

As you all know, the United States Presidential election 2020 will start on 3 November. As per the current updates coming from sources clearly denotes that "Joe Biden" from the Democratic Party is going to win this election. The polls from united states news channel and others sources shows that Joe Biden is about to recieve 54% of voteshare, while from the oponent "Republican Party" Donald Trump is about to recieve only 46% of voteshare.

But the above data is only assumptions that people are making in their mind. We can't decide the Election Results from polls. Polls are just a reference of the upcoming results, but it can't be 100% accurate.

There will be a big change

In America's previous elections, most of the Indian votes had voted for Democratic Party. But in this election, most of the Indian suports Donald Trump, because of the  newly build relationship between both contries past few months and the most important thing "Current India-China border tension", in this issue, Donald Trump from the Republican party supports India very strongly in each and every manner.

What will you think about this? share your opinions in the comment section below, If you liked the update, share it with you relatives to aware them.

Hindi Sena.

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